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 Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are

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Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Photo10
Daniela Vitória Abreu
Daniela Vitória Abreu
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Lau'vatic / Lau'
VILLE NATALE : Rio de Janeiro
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 11 Juil - 8:18

Oh bah moi meilleures amies, ça me convient parfaitement ! Puis fana de shopping, ça va avec ! miaaam
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Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Escarp10
Lily K. Bernatchez
Lily K. Bernatchez
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Lily Katrina Bernatchez
VILLE NATALE : Rio de Janerio, Bresil
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 13 Juil - 10:46

Moi :)
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Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Photo10
Daniela Vitória Abreu
Daniela Vitória Abreu
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Lau'vatic / Lau'
VILLE NATALE : Rio de Janeiro
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 13 Juil - 20:07

Avec plaisir. Une idée ? miaaam
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Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Photo10
Jordan A. Rhodes
Jordan A. Rhodes
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Jordan Aaron Rhodes.
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 15 Juil - 23:05

Moi ? big smile
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Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Photo10
Daniela Vitória Abreu
Daniela Vitória Abreu
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Lau'vatic / Lau'
VILLE NATALE : Rio de Janeiro
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 16 Juil - 0:31

Viiiii, avec plaisir ! heart3 Une idée ? miaaam
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Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Photo10
Jordan A. Rhodes
Jordan A. Rhodes
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Jordan Aaron Rhodes.
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 17 Juil - 5:06

Tu voudrais quelque chose en particulier, du positif, du négatif ou de l’ambiguë ? J'ai vu qu'ils étaient tous les deux dans le domaine de la photographie, donc on pourrait se servir de ça non ?
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Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Photo10
Daniela Vitória Abreu
Daniela Vitória Abreu
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Lau'vatic / Lau'
VILLE NATALE : Rio de Janeiro
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 18 Juil - 2:42

Pour le moment, j'ai quasiment tout de libre. :) On part sur du positif, la photographie, ça rapproche ! omg *je sors*
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Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Photo10
Jordan A. Rhodes
Jordan A. Rhodes
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Jordan Aaron Rhodes.
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 18 Juil - 3:42

D'accord je vais me creuser un peu la tête pour essayer de trouver quelqu'un chose de bien, si tu as des idées fait moi signe balon
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Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Photo10
Daniela Vitória Abreu
Daniela Vitória Abreu
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Lau'vatic / Lau'
VILLE NATALE : Rio de Janeiro
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 18 Juil - 3:53

J'y réfléchis également ! :)
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Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Escarp10
Lily K. Bernatchez
Lily K. Bernatchez
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Lily Katrina Bernatchez
VILLE NATALE : Rio de Janerio, Bresil
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 18 Juil - 7:27

Bon Alors on a beaucoup de point en commun. Je suis brésilienne aussi ! Je suis née ici, je suis parti, mais j'ai vécu les plus belles années ici. Je suis revenu depuis le lycée. J'adore la musique aussi. Lily chante et joue du piano, elle a fait du sport aussi. Elle est aussi très déterminé et elle obtient toujours ce qu'elle veut .

Elles auraient pu ce côtoyer au lycée ? Être des amis de longue date ?
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Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Photo10
Daniela Vitória Abreu
Daniela Vitória Abreu
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Lau'vatic / Lau'
VILLE NATALE : Rio de Janeiro
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 18 Juil - 8:49

Amies d'enfance, j'adore cette idée ! miaaam Au lycée ou même avant, genre depuis qu'elles sont toutes petites, à l'école maternelle par exemple. I love you
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habitant de rio de janeiro

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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 18 Juil - 23:00

Moi (: ?
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Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Photo10
Jordan A. Rhodes
Jordan A. Rhodes
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Jordan Aaron Rhodes.
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 19 Juil - 1:14

Je t'ai envoyé un MP pour notre lien Very Happy
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Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Escarp10
Lily K. Bernatchez
Lily K. Bernatchez
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Lily Katrina Bernatchez
VILLE NATALE : Rio de Janerio, Bresil
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 19 Juil - 16:03

Je suis parti à l'âge de trois ans et je suis revenu à l'age de 11 ans, donc comme on a deux ans de différence, on aurait pu ce connaître à mon retour ! :)

Lily et sa famille était de retour à Rio, les États-Unis c'étaient bien, mais Rio était leur ville. Lily finissait l'école élémentaire et elle n'avait pas de copines. Bien que ses parents lui achetaient tous ce qu'elle voulait, elle aurait voulu avoir une amie. À la rentré des classes en septembre, Lily vit une petite fille, un peu plus jeune qu'elle, jouer dans la cours de récré. Elle jouait toute seule à la marelle. Lily eu un sourire intérieur et alla vers elle. « Bonjour, je m'apelle Lily, toi et moi on sera amie, d'accord ?» Lily était déjà sûr d'elle à cette âge ! L'autre petite fille la regardait et elle était intriguée, Lily affichait toujours son grand sourire tout en attendant la reponse de la jeune fille. « Moi c'est Daniela... » Daniela eu un léger sourire et Lily commenca à jouer à la marelle. Après cette journée, elles sont inséparable.

Dit moi si ça te va !!

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Drew E. Levington
Drew E. Levington
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Drew E. Levington
VILLE NATALE : Barcelone
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 21 Juil - 7:55

sifflote miaaam
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Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Photo10
Daniela Vitória Abreu
Daniela Vitória Abreu
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Lau'vatic / Lau'
VILLE NATALE : Rio de Janeiro
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 22 Juil - 8:09

Chanel • avec plaisir, une idée ? mouack

Jordan • Je te réponds tout de suite. :)

Lily • C'est parfait ! heart3 Donc c'est pendant leur primaires si je compte bien ?! miaaam

Drew • Le prénom + Niall, OBLIGÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ! omg omg omg Tu as une idée, une envie ? mignon

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Drew E. Levington
Drew E. Levington
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Drew E. Levington
VILLE NATALE : Barcelone
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 22 Juil - 8:20

Une envie ? j'en ai pleins sifflote Nan franchement, j'aimerai du super positif miaaam Tu aurais quoi de libre pour moi ? J'ai une petite idée mais je voudrais savoir si c'est libre Wink
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habitant de rio de janeiro

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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 22 Juil - 9:19

Je n'ai pas encore de copine de shopping (:
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Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Escarp10
Lily K. Bernatchez
Lily K. Bernatchez
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Lily Katrina Bernatchez
VILLE NATALE : Rio de Janerio, Bresil
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 22 Juil - 9:49

Oui exact !! Dit moi quand tes dispos pour un topics :)
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Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Photo10
Daniela Vitória Abreu
Daniela Vitória Abreu
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Lau'vatic / Lau'
VILLE NATALE : Rio de Janeiro
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 22 Juil - 11:52

Drew • Tout à fait partante pour du super positif. omg A vrai dire, j'ai presque tout de libre, quelle est ton idée ? miaaam Je veux tout savoir. heart3

Chanel • copine de shopping, ça me convient parfaitement. Elles se seraient rencontrées comment ? :)

Lily • Je t'ajoute vite. heart3 Pour le topic, je suis fort occupée pour le moment mais dès que je suis un peu plus dispo, je pense à toi. mouack
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habitant de rio de janeiro

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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 22 Juil - 12:17

Hum dans un magasin ? Elles auraient pu être aux cabines d'essayage et complimenter les tenues de l'autres, elles auraient donc commencer à discuter et découvrir qu'elles avaient les mêmes gouts vestimentaires ? (:
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Drew E. Levington
Drew E. Levington
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Drew E. Levington
VILLE NATALE : Barcelone
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 22 Juil - 21:37

On pourrait partir sur confident miaaam Tu serais la seule à savoir, pour l'instant, que Drew serait gay et il pourrait même venir te dire qu'il aime Ryan (en plus j'ai vu que tu avais un joli p'tit lien positif avec Ryan big smile ).
L'idée générale est là, tu en dis quoi ? heart3
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Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Photo10
Daniela Vitória Abreu
Daniela Vitória Abreu
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Lau'vatic / Lau'
VILLE NATALE : Rio de Janeiro
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 22 Juil - 23:24

Chanel • C'est parfait ! Je t'ajoute vite. duck

Drew • Han vi, vi, vi, je veux ! omg J'adore l'idée ! Je suis fan, bref c’est parfait ! friend in love
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Drew E. Levington
Drew E. Levington
habitant de rio de janeiro

PSEUDONYME : Drew E. Levington
VILLE NATALE : Barcelone
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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 22 Juil - 23:45

Content que tu aimes miaaam
Par contre faudrait un sénario de rencontre sifflote Une idée ? (:
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habitant de rio de janeiro

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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 22 Juil - 23:52

Pareil de mon côté miaaam
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habitant de rio de janeiro

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MessageSujet: Re: Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are  - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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Daniela ✱ When you have a friend by your side that helps you to find the beauty you are

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